Showing posts with label Soft skills. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Soft skills. Show all posts

Thinking on your feet

Posted by JDK | 12:20 PM | | 0 comments »

Why do we need to wait for some others to tell us to think in different ways?

Everybody has their own set of memory power to think differently and do things in different ways. But we wont use them. Main thing is we should use them at right place at right time in right way. Thats clicks the trigger.

The below are the Most important points which needs to keep in Mind and remember while starting any new things, you will obviously implement the process in a different way. Try to follow these points , so that you require no one to help you, no one to advice you instead you can start giving advices to others (Dont give advices to them tell them to follow these points :) Ha haa... You got my point!! right? )

1. Listen

Many times when we are in a high pressure situation where we are so nervous we really don’t hear the actual question. Been there, done that. To make sure we understand the question and give the right answer do the following:

  • Breathe slower (Benefit: Relaxes body and mind).
  • Look directly at the questioner. (Benefit: Increases comprehension.)
  • Ask questions (Benefit: Increases clarity and shows you are listening).

2. Pause to organize

It is okay to pause. Pause to gather your thoughts. When you pause you look and sound poised and in control. Remember, there is power in silence.

3. Repeat the question

This has several benefits:

  • Buys you time to think.
  • Communicates a complete piece of information.
  • Allows you to take control of the question by rephrasing the question to a more positive light if needed.
  • Enables everyone, if in a public setting, to hear the question.

4. Focus on one main point and support it

The number one reason why we sometimes freeze up when asked to think on our feet is because we have so many ideas running around in our minds. We don’t know which idea to mention.

Here’s the solution: Go with the first idea that comes to mind and say it. By sticking with that one point you can focus on two or three supporting points. You sound more direct and confident when giving your answer.

5. Summarize and stop (SAS)

End your answer with some SAS (Summarize and Stop). Give your answer, summarize, and stop. Don’t apologize and don’t ramble on beyond the finish.

Try this trick: repeat the essence of the question. For example, you may be asked, “Why did you stop the project?” In your summary you might say, “And that‘s why we decided to start another project.”

Then stop.

Give your answer, let them know the end is near by saying:

“In summary…”
“In conclusion…”

Then simply stop. Remember SAS.

Apply these techniques so that you can become a master at “thinking on your feet” and give great answers. You can practice these skills by joining Toastmasters. In their meetings they have an exercise called “table topics,” in which you can practice this skill in a supportive environment.

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